Page name: Oh Bother! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-23 19:23:38
Last author: Phantasm
Owner: Blaze the Nameless
# of watchers: 13
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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Welcome to Oh Bother! Created by [Blaze the Nameless], runned by her along with [White Phoenix aka Ryoko] and [Aashild]!

BTW, you can't put the Ron Bother picture up in your house because its agaist the rules. However, I've made a new badge soon you can put that up in your house.

The Pals that Started it All
Bothering Snape
Trouble at Hogwarts

HPPP Comics
Triple P Flashing Icons
Puppet Badges
Bother the People!!!!!!... this is where you put your name down...

All these things from the Harry Potter Puppet Pals livejounral website are made by their creators. Taking these without permisson is a sercious crime.

[Phantasm] [BOTHER!] )8^D

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2004-09-19 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yummy!

2004-09-19 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: very gooooooooood.

2004-09-19 [blinx4436]: O.o this is an interesting conversation...

2004-09-20 [Blaze the Nameless]: Very

2004-09-20 [blinx4436]: yesh...

2004-09-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: oh but isn't it.........................ive got a luverly bunch o' coconutzzzz dee-delee-dee-delee thar they are a-standin in a row bum-bum-bum BIG ones SMALL ones SOME AS BIG AS YO HEAD!!!!!

2004-09-22 [blinx4436]: .... riiiiiight.....

2004-09-22 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol coconutz XD

2004-09-23 [Blaze the Nameless]: I'm gonna get macoroni!


2004-09-25 [Blaze the Nameless]: I get, i get!

2004-09-25 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yes but I GOT GLOMPED BY MY ALL-TIME FAV CHARACTERS!!!!!

2004-09-25 [Blaze the Nameless]: Do I need you give you medacation? Because I will!

2004-09-25 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: eep! *hides behind Vash* Save me Vash-aniki! ><

2004-09-25 [Blaze the Nameless]: *shoots Vash and he falls over* Oopsie! *looks at him* Aw! He looks cute when he's asleep!

2004-09-29 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *gets down beside Vash* BJ what the hell'd you do to him?!

2004-09-29 [Blaze the Nameless]: His only sleeping! He will wake up eventually!

2004-09-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Oh.............kk! *grins sheepishly, then picks him up with much difficulty, and lies him down on a random couch* kk, we're good! Anyways.........sup BJ? ^^U

2004-09-30 [Blaze the Nameless]: The sky! Doh!

2004-09-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: d'oh! *slaps self in head; rubs head* owwww...that hurt... >.-

2004-09-30 [Blaze the Nameless]: LOL!

2004-09-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: owwww....not funny, BJ >.-

2004-09-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ............................................................

2004-09-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *vash wakes up slowly*

2004-09-30 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *sees that vash's awake, sits down on the couch beside him* r u sure u didn't rig that tranquilizer w/anything bad, BJ?

2004-09-30 [Blaze the Nameless]: Ummmmmmmmmmmm--------------*closes door behind her* What makes you say that?

2004-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *face turns all red from anger* u did, didn't you. *takes out metal violin and waves it threateningly* if he gets sick or has ANY side effects whatsoever, i'll show you pain. the hue of your soul will ceace to matter because you will not be judged when you die, you will no longer exist. c'mon. Try me.

2004-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: *blinks* I put in soda. *opens closet* It was for a party I was throwing. It won't harm him.

2004-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: OO *blinkblink* oh is that all? oh ok.....*glomps BJ* THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU SO MUCH FOR NOT HURTING HIM!!!!! ^^

2004-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: Why on Earth would I hurt him?

2004-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: .....i....don't.....know..... *twitch* >_- erm, ain't he gonna b tired on account of the tranquilizer? and muscles still tired? i'm pretty sure that's the aftereffects of tranquilizers...

2004-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: A little bit. Why?

2004-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: just wondering. Vash: *yawn* oh hey sleeeeepyyy --.

2004-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: Hey! It could be worse!

2004-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: worse like what? Vash: *tiredly feels around for where the tranquilizer dart pierced*

2004-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: I dunno! I mean it could be worse like a bunch of preps suddenly come in and start beating the crap outta of us!

2004-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ....good point XD Vash: *finds the spot where the dart pierced (in his shoulder) and shrugs, rolls over, and goes back to sleep, curling up a little like a cat* Me: Awwww he really is cute when he's sleeping! -^^-

2004-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: I told you!

2004-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^ yup *strokes his hair*

2004-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: Wolfwood is cuter when he sleeps!

2004-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^ he is.....oh oh oh go tranquilize him too! I just hope he doesn't have fun dreams like Vash did... O_o

2004-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: Fine! *shoots Wolfwood and he falls asleep*

2004-10-02 [lil funky squirrel]: L-M-A-O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1omg thsi is the funniest place int eh wrold!!I luv the harry potter puppet pals!

2004-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: awwww you're right Wolfwood is cute when he's sleeping! -^^-

2004-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: omg Blaze did you put up that little gif thing? heehee me likes ^^

2004-10-03 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yes I did make it! BTW,send me some Vash pics and I'll make you a moving icon or two!

2004-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: okey dokey! XD

2004-10-03 [Blaze the Nameless]: *listens to Trouble*

2004-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: me is bored.

2004-10-03 [Blaze the Nameless]: I am too.

2004-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: my comp is being all stupid again --U

2004-10-03 [Blaze the Nameless]: Bad comp! *hits comp*

2004-10-04 [Baby*Hippogriff]: LOL!

2004-10-04 [Blaze the Nameless]: Cotton Eyed Joe!

2004-10-06 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: where did ya come from where did ya go where did ya come from Cotton Eyed Joe! *does a wierd lil country dance* XDDD

2004-10-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: I love that song!

2004-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol me 2 XD

2004-10-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: I've got a song from SharkTale stuck in my head.

2004-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: the carwash one?

2004-10-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: No. Not that one.

2004-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: which one?

2004-10-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: "Golddigger"

2004-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ...?

2004-10-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: You know, the part when Lola appears.

2004-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: i haven't seen that movie yet

2004-10-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: Its good! You should go see it!

2004-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: i will eventually

2004-10-08 [Blaze the Nameless]: Good!

2004-10-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *poke*

2004-12-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: *glomps* This place has been so boring!

2004-12-02 [The Last Laugh]: aww! I love the puppets they are so cute!!

2004-12-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: Really? I just find them annoyliy funny!

2004-12-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: you should see my cousin's list of ways to get Voldemort to kill you; it has over 100 ways, too XDDD

2004-12-04 [Blaze the Nameless]: LOL! I need to see that!

2004-12-05 [The Last Laugh]: lol! me too!

2004-12-05 [Blaze the Nameless]: It sounds awesome!

2004-12-05 [The Last Laugh]: lol 

2004-12-08 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ok i'll see if she can either print it out and send it to me, or e-mail it to me XD

2004-12-20 [Blaze the Nameless]: You never check your email hun.

2004-12-20 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: not true.

2004-12-20 [Blaze the Nameless]: U check your mail? Hooray! I can send you emails!

2004-12-20 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yep

2004-12-20 [Blaze the Nameless]: Will you reply to them?

2004-12-20 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: mebbe...

2004-12-21 [Blaze the Nameless]: That doesn't help any.

2004-12-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: oh...

2004-12-21 [Blaze the Nameless]: Its just I'll be sending you a lot stuff about our fan fic and I need to have feedback.

2004-12-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: can't you message me?

2004-12-21 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yeah but sometimes you might be on ET

2004-12-21 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: eh?

2004-12-21 [Blaze the Nameless]: nm

2005-01-14 [Master Fio]: i love that thing. Snape is so sexy

2005-01-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: *shivers*

2005-01-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: KAWKY-KAWKY!!! XD

2005-01-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: You can stop now

2005-01-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: :( Kawky. Kaw-kakaw-krakawky! KAWKY!

2005-01-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: LOL! BTW, did you ever respond to the last Cirque du Soleil/Trigun thing?

2005-01-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I think i did.....

2005-01-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: I never got it. Strange

2005-06-10 [Phantasm]: BOTHER *big nugh*

2005-06-11 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTHA!!!!! *tackles*

2005-06-12 [Phantasm]: *OOF!* uuummm? *AVADA CADAVA* *ZAP* lol :p

2005-06-12 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD I am immune! XD

2005-06-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: I might use that spell on my computer.

2005-06-13 [Phantasm]: *out a oozy lol* get him woow ye woow *bang bang bang*

2005-06-13 [Blaze the Nameless]: *watches* Ooooooooooooookay

2005-06-14 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-06-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: I think I'll leave now

2005-06-15 [Phantasm]: woow HogWarts is so grat ....*I LOVE MAGIC*

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: I love you Harry!

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: noooo how about: i wuv yew, VASH!!!!!!! *glomps Vash to the ground*

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: This is not the Trigun Puppet Pals dear.

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *from the floor* DON'T CARE!!!! *continues to huggle Vash* -^^-

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: *stares* Poor Vash. Oh well. *turns to leave*

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: not really "poor" Vash; he seems to be enjoying it! ^^

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: *looks at Vash* Wow, you're right!

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD watta perv....and yet I wuv him so! *snuggles his chest* -^^-

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: *stares in jealousy* You suck, you know that?

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3 yeah, but question from DV: Suck like what?

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: Oh you know what you suck!!!!!!

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: (XP DV, YOU PERV! *swats him*) X3 depends on what we're talking about.

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: Oh, you know what I'm talking about!!!

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3 naughtyness........why don't we take this to the messages before this gets outta hand?

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: Oh, you know you wanna take this to the messages before it gets outta hand!!!!!

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD MOOSE!!!!!!! *huggles Vash*

2005-06-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: Oh you know you----------erm--like mooses.

2005-06-15 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD TABANGA-DOO! FLIBBER-FLABBER! QUACK! JABBAGA! X3

2005-06-16 [Blaze the Nameless]: know you want to---------do the hula...........

2005-06-16 [Phantasm]: *NAKID TIME* wee lol

2005-06-16 [Blaze the Nameless]: lol

2005-06-16 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: SAAAAAAAAAAA!!! X3

2005-06-19 [Daladís]: Have you ever had a visit from a swell-mob? I have...

2005-06-21 [Phantasm]: i ate mine >8^}

2005-06-21 [Blaze the Nameless]: What's a swell-mob?

2005-06-23 [Phantasm]: meh.....? you tell me?

2005-06-29 [Piggly_wiggly]: hmmmm

2005-06-30 [Phantasm]: Bother! Bother! Bother! woo hoo i like the part were he stops moving (E^D

2005-06-30 [Blaze the Nameless]: lol

2005-08-03 [Phantasm]: lets do it again! Bother! Bother! Bother! lol

2005-08-14 [Piggly_wiggly]: naked time!

2005-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: Wow, I forgot about this wiki.

2005-10-01 [Piggly_wiggly]: how could you forget about bother?

2005-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: No one has posted on here in a long time

2005-10-01 [Piggly_wiggly]: that's why i posted :)

2005-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: lol.

2005-10-01 [Piggly_wiggly]: i wonder how much other people are going to talk on this

2005-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: Talk about what?

2005-10-01 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Speaking of Potter Puppet Pals, I'm thinking of doing something like that for my Japanese project. We have to introduce our family. XD

2005-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: Oh dear lord I am now afraid.

2005-10-01 [Piggly_wiggly]: :S

2005-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: YES! I JUST DOWNLOADED MORE MUSIC! *dances to the Techno Song is just got*

2005-10-02 [Piggly_wiggly]: which song are you dancing too?

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: Popcorn by Crazy Frog

2005-10-02 [Piggly_wiggly]: i love that song!

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: Best song ever!!!

2005-10-02 [Piggly_wiggly]: it so is! now it's playing over and over again in my head

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: lol!

2005-10-02 [Piggly_wiggly]: eventuslly it will get annoying

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yeah but I like it anyways

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Numa-numa iei!! ^^

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: I have that song on my iPod. I love this song! It's so pretty.

2005-10-02 [Piggly_wiggly]: i love that song friend has it on their mp3 and i listen to it all the time

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: It's pretty.

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: The music videos are funny! XD

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: The acutal music video is funny too.

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I want more links! X3

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: You have to say please first.

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *chibi puppy-eyes* PWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAASSSEEE???

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: Okay. Have you seen the American Idle one yet?

2005-10-02 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: No, I don't think so...

2005-10-02 [Blaze the Nameless]: That one is funny but not as funny.

2005-10-02 [Piggly_wiggly]: i don't really like american idol

2005-10-03 [Blaze the Nameless]: I'm not talking about the real American Idol.

2005-10-03 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^

2005-10-03 [Piggly_wiggly]: o...ok then

2005-10-12 [Phantasm]: NAKID TIME!

2005-10-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: It's naked, naked, naked time!

2005-10-12 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: NAKED TIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!!!!!!! *runs around naked with her whole body digitally mosaiced*

2005-10-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: Thank goodness. No one needs to see that.

2005-10-12 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts!!!

2005-10-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: Okay, you can stop now.

2005-10-12 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *dances around* MOO! SNAPE!

2005-10-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: You're scaring me.

2005-10-12 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *waves arms around* WAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! THE PIGS TRIUMPH!!! XD

2005-10-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: Okay, I'm leaving to go read some shoujo.

2005-10-12 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Hey! Waittaminit! Wait just one poly-pickin' minute! I know what you're up to! You will not sink my Cherio! I see what is transpiring here!

2005-10-13 [Blaze the Nameless]: Transpiring? Huh?

2006-02-17 [Phantasm]: *pop's up* hi every one lets go bover Snape :P

2006-02-17 [Piggly_wiggly]: :O Don't sink the cherio! it is a silly thing to do after all

2006-02-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: *falls over*

2006-02-19 [Phantasm]: *try's it!!!* :D

2006-02-19 [Blaze the Nameless]: *tries to get up*

2006-02-25 [Piggly_wiggly]: *eats some chocolate*

2006-02-25 [Blaze the Nameless]: I forgot about this wiki

2006-03-04 [Piggly_wiggly]: I did too. I keep randomly coming across it.

2006-03-04 [Blaze the Nameless]: I thought it was dead.

2006-03-06 [Phantasm]: *pokes with stick* brown bread dead :x

2006-03-07 [Blaze the Nameless]: Eh?

2006-03-08 [Phantasm]: you know Brown bread dead :D

2007-09-16 [Fetish Dolly Koneko™]: For those interested: Welcome to the Wizarding World and Harry Potter

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